Important contact details

  • ADT 0861 212 400
  • eBlockwatch 082 561 1065
  • Joburg Connect (011) 375 5555
  • Joburg Roads Agency (011) 298 5000
  • Pikitup Steen Masoeu 083 413 1208
  • Police (emergency) 10111
  • Sandringham SAPS (011) 719 4845/4800
  • The Stables management Leon Visser 079 500 7318


Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Inverters and more

 My good friend Duncan McLeod bought a giant inverter. It's enough to power half of Randburg.

But most of us don't have R2 000 sitting around.

An inverter is a simple device. It delivers mains power when you need it, as many of us do, and charges when the mains are back on.

I won't go into an electrical instruction lesson here, but suffice it to say, if your business depends on power when Eskom goes down, I would heartily recommend you invest in an inverter-backup battery solution.

I bought a ton of them back in 2009 when the power was down all the time, and quite honestly, they saved our butts.

You have two choices: large, costly and centralised, or lower cost and decentralised.

If anyone wishes to discuss this, please contact me.


Martin2 said...

Yes, I do have R2000 lying around for an invertor. Please illuminate me.


Martin2 said...

Hmmmmm, two weeks and no response, must be lonely in here I guess. Martin2

Linbro Park said...

Sorry, Martin, your request passed under my radar. You are most welcome to contact me on 082 550 2797 and I will advise you where to get it.